The Digital Playground For Every Child to Learn and Play

We enable endless possibilities for every child to learn and grow their creative and innovative mind through

icon of a public speaking

digital coaching

icon of a Course oreinted

digital playground

icon of a creative thinking

innovative thinking

illustration of playing children

Fostering a playful & engaging learing environment

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Coders Playground

Explore! For coders, programmers, and logicians. Those who want to know how the computer work.

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Designers Playground

Awe and wonders, children are natives to beautiful imaginations and creativity, so we help them bring it to live through digital mediums.

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Inventors Playground

Ingenuity! We help our learners connect the dots, so as to come up with new solutions.

digital design


creative coding

innovations technology

12 weeks


Game Design

In this class, students learn basic video game coding concepts by making different types of games, including racing, platform, launching, and more. Students will watch series of videos and create one coding project with opportunities to personalize their works.


rating starts


Paul Michael

2001 Enrolled


12 weeks


Web Programming

In this class students will understand the basic and advance concepts and technologies upon which the web is built. At the end of this class, students will build their personal profile and make it available for anyone on the web to visit their website and know more about them.


rating starts


Paul John

2001 Enrolled


12 weeks


Artificial Intelligence

Students in this class are considered to have gone through beginners classes in programming and design. At the end of this class students will build using different playgrounds and technologies to build systems that makes for precisions and decisions making easy following standared maching learning piplines.


rating starts


Jone Paul

2001 Enrolled


Program Playground

picture of a school girl in codePlay72 playground
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home playground

This playground is design specially for homeschooling. For parents who love to create a small community for creative children at home. We provide support and coaching for this parents and students.

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private playground

This playground is design for private coaching. Students get to meet their coach at a shedule time and build projects together with them.

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digital code club

this playground is a community children with passion to learn and create with any form of technology and mediums. We make this accessible and open for students all around the wold and also organise physical meetings.

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school playground

Our school programs are in partnership with schools who are looking at incorporating digital plaground into their classrooms and school program.

why enroll your child

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Digital Padegogy

Student have access to both tools and technologies that bring their creativities to life.

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Multimodal Learning

Students have access to different models of learning resouces such as vedios and gamify learning contents.

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Professional Coaching

All our students are in safe hands, as they get tought by industrial experts and a lifetime mentorship.


image of codeplay72 students giving their testimonies

"Courses are well structured and organised"

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aramide boluwatife - Graduate codePlay72


codePlay72 is a company born out of the hope of developing and building African child in preparing them for the future of digital technology

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Contact us

+234 703 0058 172

Find us

7A Hara-hyel House, Dogon Karfe, Jos Plateau State.

copyright 2024 | All Right
